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Kimchi Cucumber (8 oz)


From the heart of our local farms comes a refreshing twist on a classic favorite...Our Kimchi Cucumber is infused with the bold flavors of gochugaru, the savory depth of fish and soy sauce, the tangy bite of rice vinegar, and the aromatic warmth of ground ginger, each bite is a burst of flavor that dances on your taste buds

998 left

From the heart of our local farms comes a refreshing twist on a classic favorite...Our Kimchi Cucumber is infused with the bold flavors of gochugaru, the savory depth of fish and soy sauce, the tangy bite of rice vinegar, and the aromatic warmth of ground ginger, each bite is a burst of flavor that dances on your taste buds

Kahumana Farm Hub

Locally grown and sourced products sourced from the Hawaiian islands. Buying from Kahumana Farm Hub empowers backyard gardeners, small farmers, and local growers in Hawaii.

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